
1000bc Latins enter region
753bc   Rome was founded
509bc   Republic created
451bc   Twelve Tables written
405-256bc Italy conquerd
264-146bc Punic wars fought
62bc Alypia crispina born
56bc Alypia met her favorite gladiator
50bc Alypia gave birth
44bc Julious Cesar assinated
44bc Alypia is apart of cival war
42bc Alypia Crispina dies
27bc empire and the Pax Romana begain with reign of Augustus
Ad29 Jesus crucified
Ad64 christian persecution
Ad79 pompeii destroyed
Ad180 Pax Romana ends
Ad253 germaniv tribes enter fronteir region
Ad285 Diocletion divides the empire in two
Ad313 christianity given recognition
Ad324 Constintine reunites empire
Ad370 Huns invade
Ad380 christianity made official religion
Ad395 empire permantly split
Ad476 last empire deposed