Wednesday, May 18, 2011

42bc Waiting

My master just went to the market to get some really nice new glasses since augustus is coming over. I'm really nervous and exited to see him!!! Not sure why my master is getting his glasses so early considering the expected arrival time of Augustus.


  1. Please some comment already!!!

  2. Greetings Alypia! You mentioned that your master is friends with Augustus. I am also acquainted with Augustus, and I am sure any friend of Augustus is a delightful Roman. If it is not too much of a burden, would you kindly prepare dinner for one more guest? I would be happy to join Augustus and your master for dinner and perhaps share a poem or two.
    Oh, and if you do not mind too terribly, would you kindly consider adding me as a friend seeing as though your master is a good friend of Augustus?

    The Foundation of the Western World by Michael Grant. 8 May 2011.

  3. I would be delighted to have you as a friend

  4. Many thanks gentle slave. May the gods smile upon you and your master during your time of mourning over the loss of Caesar.

  5. Thank u for your many blessings. They are much help in this time of sorrow. You are one of few whom I believe reached gravitas.

  6. Gravitas? Me, Virgil, the lowly poet? I think not. Although it is against my nature to hate or to hurt anyone, I doubt I have reached gravitas. I am too shy to reach such a state. The extent of my shyness is quite unfathomable to be honest. But alas, thank you meus amicus.

  7. You are very welcome and I wish you could see what I see in you. You have no trouble finding good In others yet upon looking at yourself all you see is flaws. Someday I wish you will be able to look through my eyes and see all the great things I see when I look at you.

  8. Have you ever studied writing? I am only curious because the ease with which you speak your feelings is equal to that of a growing poet. Did you ever consider writing in your spare time? It is an excellent way to express your thoughts, not to mention others can see things as you do. I believe you should look a bit more into poetry if you get the chance.

  9. i would love to write poetry in my spare time but my masters have me working all the time. they never give me a big ennough brake to do things such as writing. i would love to use this so people could see what i see or how i feel and look at the world through my eyes. you are very lucky to have the oppertunity to do that as i wish i could. went to 18th
