Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I am only ten years and I am very sad. As a slave most things I can do without hesitance. There is only one thing my master asks of me that I really cant take.whenever my master so wishes he may ask me to sleep with him and I may not refuse. He ask this of all his slaves not caring about their gender.this makes me very uncomfortable. The other slaves tell me that this is normal behavior and all slaves do this.they say this is just a part if Roman culture. Well do you think it's strange that I do not enjoy this and even oppose of it?


Things have cooled down so today i went to see a gladiator fight. I love watching these fights but I feel incredibly sorry on those occasions that a gladiator is forced to fight to the death.being a slave I can relate to how they must feel having their life lived for them. Some Lucky gladiators gain fame and fortune but the not so lucky ones fight until their last breathe for the joy of others. Although I do enjoy seeing these fights I gain much sorrow on witnessing one of the poor gladiators die :(.

Cesar is dead

Cesar was just assassinated. My master Loved Cesar and is very furious. Civil war has breaking out and my master is furious. I am very nervous he will take this anger out on me. I'm not sure what i am suppose to do because I'm only 18. I have to walk on glass when my master is near because I live every moment In fear he shall dispose of me. I want to start a revolt so that I will no longer live in fear. I'm to scared though because thousands of slaves die in every attempt to gain their freedom.

42bc Waiting

My master just went to the market to get some really nice new glasses since augustus is coming over. I'm really nervous and exited to see him!!! Not sure why my master is getting his glasses so early considering the expected arrival time of Augustus.

Extra! Extra! Read all about it


My master began to get tired of the same foods for dinner so I got a really good recipe for Olive Relish.
You take a loaf of bread and add many relishes. Then you remove stones from green or black olives. After that you chop them and add oil, vinegar, coriander, cumin, fennel, rue, and mint. Next you pot them making sure the oil covers all of them.

Andrew, Dalby. The Classical Cookbook. Malibu:1996 Sally Grainger and Andrew Dalby.